Monday, January 07, 2013

Year 2013: Year of the Key of David

Vision Sunday 2013.
Pastor prince. 6 Jan 2013

God may seem late but he is always on time.

Is 22:23-24
God will fasten Jesus in a secure place and on it will hang all the precious items.

'Key of David'
This phrase appears in Revelation 3: 7-13, where Jesus speaks to His church Philadelphia.

Opposite of holiness is commonness.
Money is a servant not a master.

Rev 3:7 'key of David'
Open doors that no being can shut and close doors that no being can open.

Rev 3:7 // Isaiah 22:22

The number 22 means light/revelation in bible numerics.

Is 22:22 is the only place that mentions the key of David which is to open doors that no man can shut.

This Year is the year of open doors!

Characteristics of the church of Philadelphia:
1. Loves to see Jesus in His word
2. Loves the name of Jesus
3. Has the patience of Jesus to withstand persecution.
-There are some times in lives that God allows us to go through persecution in victory.

When God opens and shuts doors, no one can do anything about it. No amount of human intelligence or effort can undo that. It is entirely on God.

Examples of God opening doors.
Acts 14:27 'opened the door of faith to the Gentiles'

We might not know the future, but we know the one who holds the future.
And Jesus will not use this key to harm us because it is in His nail-pierced hands!

Other keys mentioned in the bible:
Key of death.
Does Satan still hold the keys of death and hell? No!

Heb 2:14. Jesus broke the power of satan who holds the keys of death.

Rev 1:16-18 'Jesus has the keys of hell and of death'
-He has the keys of hell meaning we will not lose our salvation and Satan cannot call our number!

Examples of open doors in Bible:

Open door of faith.

2 Cor 2:12 'door opened to me by the Lord'
-Don't bash through doors, let God open it!

Only when we are weak before God than we can stand boldly before men!

1 Cor 16:9 'a great and effectual door is opened for me but there are many adversaries'
-when God opens doors it doesn't mean it will not bring challenges but God will surely carry us through and let us be above and not beneath.

Col 4:3-4 'open unto me a door of utterance'
-pray for door of utterance in our mouths to speak positively, bring light, deliverance and salvation to people in Jesus' name!
-this prayer means we are depending on God!

Door of Sarah's womb was open!

2 keys for us: prayer and praise!

1. Prayer.
-Notice the 10 commandments never teaches us to pray because it presupposes on men's goodness.
-Prayer is an expression of grace.
We who have been bought by the blood of Jesus and redeemed have influenced with God - therefore pray!
-Praying from the start is better than praying at last when we have exhausted all our ideas.

Examples of closed doors:
Acts 16:6-7 'forbidden by the holy spirit to preach the gospel'
-is it possible for God to close doors for missions? Yes! It might not be his time yet.
-as Paul had his assignment to preach the gospel to Gentiles and Peter to preach the gospel to the Jews, may we also know our assignments and calling in life.

How to pray for open doors?
a. Ask God.
b. Know your assignment.

How to be sure God is leading you?
a. Pray for God to keep opening the door or close it and watch what God does.
b. As you pray and the desires grows, it should be it. If desires dwindles and u are not at peace, it is not God's leading.

God doesn't move a parked car. So lets be moving and actively trusting God to lead us.

Act 16:14 'The door of Lydia's heart was opened'
-Don't underestimate the power of God to open doors for our loved ones and for those who seem like no one will ever reach them with the gospel.

2. Praise
Acts 16:23-26. Paul and Silas worshiping God in the prison at midnight.
-Are you are the midnight of your life right now? Choose to praise The Lord.
-Notice they were praising hymns which refers to the psalm of David.

Acts 16:25-26 quick deliverance came as they prayed and praised The Lord!
-'Suddenly' all the doors were opened and chains were loosed.
-When God sends an earthquake, it kills nobody.

Acts 2:27-34
'Salvation came to the jailer and all his household'

Family joy this year!

Hosea 2:15 'in the valley of trouble, God will open a door of hope'

When the world says don't hope much this coming new year, The Lord says set your hope on the highest!

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