Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Gospel of Grace makes all of Jesus and none of man

The Gospel of Grace makes all of Jesus and none of man

Gal 1:6-10

Grace is more than a topic it is the gospel.
-Acts 20:24 'the gospel of the grace of God.' Amplified bible 'good news of the unmerited favor and mercy of God.'

Qns- what about the accusation that says, 'the gospel is just the start and after that, you have to make sure you perform good works and keep up the faith'

Ans- Gal 3:3 'If righteousness begins by faith then it must continue by faith and not works.'
-Grace will produce good works not dead works that comes from strive and human effort.

Qns- what about those who say they do not really believe the grace gospel and still say they preach the gospel?
Ans- Gal 1:6 ' from grace of Christ into another gospel'
-the gospel without the grace of Christ is not the gospel. If we do not preach the gospel filled with the grace of Christ then we have done injustice to Jesus and his finished work on the cross.

Our performance cannot change our position in Christ.

The gospel of grace brings glory to the Father.

Qns- what about those who say when u preach the gospel, u have to amplify man's sin and depravity?
Ans- it is true that Christ came to die for our sin but the emphasis should be on the righteousness of Christ revealed at the Cross.
Rom 1:17. The gospel does not reveal man's sin BUT the righteousness of God.
-when we preach the gospel, let us be determined to emphasize the righteousness of Christ as a gift bought on the cross and not the sinfulness of man.

Qns- How about the accusation: 'those who preach the gospel of grace are men pleasers?'
Ans- Gal 1:10 ' Paul mentions that those who are not preaching the gospel of grace are actually the ones who are men pleasers'
-those who say the gospel is some of God and some man's effort are the ones actually pleasing man because it sounds good and pious to include man into the equation.

Qns-What about the accusation that says that those who are preaching the grace of God is turning it into a license to sin?
Ans- In the interpretation of Jude 1:4.
'Turn the grace of God into lewdness'
Definition of 'turn' in the Greek means to transpose, transform or change.
-This verse is not saying preaching grace brings lewdness. It is saying lewdness comes after you remove or change grace with something else.
-Clear passages from Rom 6:14 and Titus 2:11-12 tell us plainly that the grace of God keeps us from sin and teaches us to deny ungodliness and pursue righteousness.
-What we believe is that we have no power to do what we want BUT that the grace of God helps us.
v.4b 'deny the Lord God and Jesus Christ'
-the gospel of grace brings Jesus back to the center and has no signs of denying God and his son Jesus Jesus Christ.

Rom 1:16
The gospel of God is the power of God unto salvation (wholeness in every area of your life starting from the inside out)!

The gospel of grace makes all of Christ and none of man.

-Notes from PP

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