Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pick up that dream God put in your heart again!

Pick up that dream God put in your heart again!

2 kings 4:8-37

1. Background

Shunammite woman having the heart to take care of the man of God - Elisha.

v.16 - Elisha said to the woman, u shall conceive in a year but she replied and said, 'do not lie to me'

v.17 - BUT, the woman conceived.

-This woman was more focused on her circumstances (her husband was too old and impotent) than what the words of the man of God.

2. The Irony

v.18-20: this boy whom the man of God promised this woman died.

What do u do when what God promised u before in the past dies and vanishes before your eyes?
How should u respond when the dreams God gave you seem to be fading away into the background?
-Take heart, go back to God and speak peace to the situation.

v.21-22: the woman went back to the man of God after she finds out her son died.
-the first place to go back when God's promise in our lives dies is to the source-God himself.

v.26 : when the woman was asked by the man of God how are things with her and her family, she said, 'it is well.'
-God's peace can be so strong in our lives that when we are in a negative situation, we still can speak peace and say 'it is well'
-our words have power. Speak peace.

3. The Resurrection

v.33-34 : the man of God came and brought warmth and life back into the child

The grace of God is resurrecting every died area of our lives.

Many of us have dreams that God has placed in our lives and have placed it aside due to some reason. BUT the Lord wants to bring back to life!

v.36 'the woman was told to pick up her son'
-God is telling you to pick up that dream again!

Let hope arise. His Grace is coming is every died area of our lives.
God wants to make all things new in our lives!

-Pastor Dan. 22 Sept 2012. Genrev.

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