Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What to do what u're tired of living?

Qn: Will we ever get tired of living a packed schedule, back-to-back commitments life after awhile?
Ans: The key is in staying humble. When you stay humble, you stay hungry. And trust that God can increase your capacity to a new level
As He is so am I in this world (unshakable foundation) - as opposed to: as I am so is He in heaven

-God's confirmation is never directional but is always in the form of confirmation / affirmation of what He has first placed in your heart
What you are good at might not be where you are called at
Priority in life: #1 Family, #2 Work, #3 Ministry
Ministry should not be a place to run from reality but rather to sharpen each other - the real battle is out there

Level of frustration is proportional to your level of looking to self
Nowhere in the Bible do we see insufficiency. We only see "My grace is sufficient for you." That is of the Spirit. Any thoughts that point to insufficiency stem from looking at self

To step out from "self": enlarge your vision and dreams and see that He will bring you there - "surrender" all your desires, your dreams and ask for WISDOM to handle the Blessings
Death must come before resurrection. Death of dreams and desires = Letting it all go to the LORD and letting Him to make it happen
Hebrews 4:10 - For he who has entered His rest, has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His

Don't focus on what's right or wrong. Ask Wisdom to handle people with the right attitude, the right treatment, at the right time (even if it means that we need to use some pressure on them)
It takes brass to refine copper
It takes crucible to refine silver
It takes furnace to refine gold
It takes cutting by another diamond to refine diamond
If we desire to be diamond, then the refinement and correction will come more fast and more furious. It might feel painful but it'll worth it

Two reactions to crisis:
Learning mode (growth-oriented) ~ reflect then move on. Tomorrow shall be better than today
Judging mode (goal/achievement-oriented) ~ self-condemnation. Trying to point finger on whose fault was it
Forget about being ready or not ready - just enjoy the journey :)

-Notes from CGL, Tiong Bahru

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