Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to enter a new season in life?

How to enter a new season in our life? Look to Jesus!

13 Apr 2013. Genrev. Pastor Ben

Heb 12:1-3. Look to Jesus!

God wants to be at the beginning of every new season!

How to enter into a new season with God?

1. Start with 0. Don't count on your past victory or experience as reasons for u to succeed.
2. Go to the One - Count solely on Jesus' finished work to get to 1 and above!

Ex 13:17-22
There was a short cut but God asked the Israelites to go through another way because he wanted to protect them from seeing things that will harm them!
We could seem to be going a round about way in life, but God well knows and plans it for our utmost good.

When u face your round about turns in life, it does not mean it is necessarily wrong. The question is about whether u are ready.
We might not be resilient enough or have the perseverance yet to face the issue head on and God knows better. If we are not ready for war, we are not ready for the spoils as well.
-Challenges and problems in life are simply breeding grounds for the hand of God to work mighty miracles!

Exodus 13:17-22
v 21 "the Lord went before them.."
In our new season, know the Lord has gone before you.

Problems happen so that we can be :
1. Build up stronger!
2. Learn how to rest!
3. Trust Jesus for miracles!

v18-19 "when"
God delivers us timely. He does not want us to just win a small batter but get complete victory!

v20 "the angel of the Lord (a picture of Jesus) between the camp of Egyptians and the camp of Israel"
-See Jesus between our challenges and enemies! What do u see between your challenges and you? See Jesus solving them!

Relax and be patient because when we invite God to help us, He does the work real thoroughly!

When u walk in the favor of God, you will also find favor with your enemies.

How to go from enslavement to empowerment? Get use to seeing Jesus at the center in everything we go through.
Ex 12:1-14, institution of the Passover on the tenth of this month"
Jesus is the lamb for the household
v. 4 "and if the household is too small for the lamb.." - Picture of Jesus being a much more payment for our salvation!

The place we see our weakness is the place we see God's strength covering

"Roasted lamb"
It is not about what would Jesus do BUT what Jesus has done that will inspire us to walk worthy of Him!

Eating the communion is to appropriate, remember the truth of Jesus' finished work and recall it is not about us but all about Jesus!

Year of open doors - God shut door from destruction and open door for deliverance.

In every new season, start with the finished work.

"We start the race of life at Jesus' finishing point."

God's past deliverance does not warrant future deliverance, it is the finished work of Christ that warrants deliverance!

1 Cor 1:18-25 "gospel seem foolish to others but to us it is power"

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