Rest, Eat & Drink
Background: Elijah on the run for his life as he faced a threat from the Queen who was out to get his life.
Text: I Kings 19:1-9
What did Elijah do to get out of that fear? What can we do to get out of the challenges and fears in our lives, relationships, work and families?
3 Lessons from Elijah for coming out of fear/challenges/impossible situations:
1. Sleep aka Rest in The Lord
1 Ki 19:5 'and he laid down and slept'
-Heb 4. Rest=promise land. If you rest, then you have entered your promised land.
-Hen 4:9-10 'those who enter into God's rest cease from your own work'
Application: to cease from your own works means not depending on our own works/abilities/networks/influence/skills/experience/past successes or failures BUT on the LORD's finished work, love and grace.
-God is never threatened by our honest questions to Him. When we go to him, He is more than ready to answer us and show us the way.
God will never force His favor on us. But when rest and trust in Him, we shall surely see His favor on us.
Rom 4:19 To rest is to 'refuse to look at the current situation and condition and look to God who is faithful to do the impossible.
Application: Resting is to consider not our situation, but consider Jesus who is faithful!
2. Eat because the journey is going to be too great.
-1 Ki 19:7 'arise and eat for the journey is too great'
Application: to eat and feed the word of God because the journey
Feed on the word for strength for God has called us to great and significant things!
Example of John who knew the importance of the Word:
-To John who knew God's love so well started the gospel of John with the Word.
3. Drink
- 1 kings 19:8 'he arose, ate and drank.'
Drinking is akin to praying in the spirit.
-John 7:37-39 'drinking from the rivers of living water; the wells of the Holy Spirit which brings life to all those dead areas in our lives'
Application: to drink is to have quick short prayers in the spirit during the heat of the day and flow with the Spirit who is our comforter and wisdom to guide us through the trying stressful moments in our hectic day.
Result of resting, eating and drinking:
1. We are more than able to go through the dry sessions in our lives.
1 Ki 19:8 'went in the strength of that food for forty days and forty nights'
-40 is symbolic to a time of testing and tribulations in our lives.
2. When we rest, eat and sleep, we will be so sensitive to God's comforting whisper and feel so close to the Lord that we know he is so near and right there with us! No fear for He is near.
1 Ki 19:12. Elijah heard the 'still small whisper of the Lord' So close to The Lord that we hear His comforting whisper in our hearts to know that He is near and more than able to lead us to rest.
Notes from PL. 22 Oct 2012
Background: Elijah on the run for his life as he faced a threat from the Queen who was out to get his life.
Text: I Kings 19:1-9
What did Elijah do to get out of that fear? What can we do to get out of the challenges and fears in our lives, relationships, work and families?
3 Lessons from Elijah for coming out of fear/challenges/impossible situations:
1. Sleep aka Rest in The Lord
1 Ki 19:5 'and he laid down and slept'
-Heb 4. Rest=promise land. If you rest, then you have entered your promised land.
-Hen 4:9-10 'those who enter into God's rest cease from your own work'
Application: to cease from your own works means not depending on our own works/abilities/networks/influence/skills/experience/past successes or failures BUT on the LORD's finished work, love and grace.
-God is never threatened by our honest questions to Him. When we go to him, He is more than ready to answer us and show us the way.
God will never force His favor on us. But when rest and trust in Him, we shall surely see His favor on us.
Rom 4:19 To rest is to 'refuse to look at the current situation and condition and look to God who is faithful to do the impossible.
Application: Resting is to consider not our situation, but consider Jesus who is faithful!
2. Eat because the journey is going to be too great.
-1 Ki 19:7 'arise and eat for the journey is too great'
Application: to eat and feed the word of God because the journey
Feed on the word for strength for God has called us to great and significant things!
Example of John who knew the importance of the Word:
-To John who knew God's love so well started the gospel of John with the Word.
3. Drink
- 1 kings 19:8 'he arose, ate and drank.'
Drinking is akin to praying in the spirit.
-John 7:37-39 'drinking from the rivers of living water; the wells of the Holy Spirit which brings life to all those dead areas in our lives'
Application: to drink is to have quick short prayers in the spirit during the heat of the day and flow with the Spirit who is our comforter and wisdom to guide us through the trying stressful moments in our hectic day.
Result of resting, eating and drinking:
1. We are more than able to go through the dry sessions in our lives.
1 Ki 19:8 'went in the strength of that food for forty days and forty nights'
-40 is symbolic to a time of testing and tribulations in our lives.
2. When we rest, eat and sleep, we will be so sensitive to God's comforting whisper and feel so close to the Lord that we know he is so near and right there with us! No fear for He is near.
1 Ki 19:12. Elijah heard the 'still small whisper of the Lord' So close to The Lord that we hear His comforting whisper in our hearts to know that He is near and more than able to lead us to rest.
Notes from PL. 22 Oct 2012
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