Sunday, October 07, 2012

Don't beat yourself, others or your situation, simply speak to Jesus!

Don't beat yourself, others or your situation, simply speak to Jesus!

When Jesus sees people, he doesn't see them as lazy and rebellious but lost and confused needing a shepherd.

Instead of seeing others trying to get into sin, see people trying to get out of it with the help of Jesus.

Good shepherds don't drive the sheep they lead the sheep.

Jesus uses stern words to leaders and pastors because he loves the flock they are over. Example: Letters to the churches, in the book of Revelation.

Numbers 20
Moses (type of law) - John 1:17.
Joshua (picture of grace)

On grace:
Always be supply minded! Remember when we walk into life, God has gone before you.

In the 40th year, Moses(type of the law) committed a sin that disallowed him from entering the promise land. This shows that as good as the law is, it can only lead us at most to the edge of the promised land and cannot bring us into the promised land of rest and supply.
ONLY grace can bring us into the rest that God has planned for us.
Praise the Lord Joshua (a picture of grace-Jesus), who was Moses' successor led the people into the promised land!

Side note:
Why should we murmur when we can bring it to the One who cares for us =)

What was the sin of Moses that kept him from entering the promise land?
-He misrepresented God to be ungracious to the people.
Numbers 20:7-13
'Take the rod'
'Gather the congregation'
'Speak to the rock' and it will yield water.
Who is the rock?
-I Corinthians 10:4 tells us that the rock was Christ.

Instead of speaking to the rock, Mose struck the rock. Many times people of the world sees God as a rock who cannot hear, speak and see what is going on but may we not represent Him as that to people. Our God is alive and well able to hear and answer us when we speak to Him.

Numbers 20:10
-Moses is angry because of the complaining of the people and struck the rock. It is interesting to note that even though Moses disobeyed God, the water still flowed out.
Even though many ministries present God in an angry way, they still see results BUT the results are a far cry from the glories to be revealed by the Spirit of grace!

Numbers 20:12-13
God reveals the sin:
Moses misrepresented God and did not hallow(set apart) God in the eyes of the people.
Moses misrepresented God to be angry at their sins.
This anger of Moses made God to appear angry and ungracious in front of the people.

God's holiness is represented in extending undeserving, unmerited and unearned favor to people.
God's grace is always stronger than all our sins.
God's grace is greater than all our sins.
It is God's grace and not anger that will lead people to change!

40 years earlier, there was a similar incident whereby the people also complained about the lack of water. This is the first time God told Moses to struck the rock, which will give water. So in this case, we find God telling Moses(a type of the law) to struck the rock(type of Jesus) so that the people(a picture of us) can enjoy the drink and be satisfied!
Exodus 17:3-6.
v.6 'I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock and water will come out of it that people may drink.'
-God wants us to enjoy the living fountain that flowed from the cross, where God struck Jesus with all the judgment we deserved. He knows we are thirsty and finding this satisfaction in all the wrong places. That is why He wants us to go to Him and drink with the water that will make us thirsty no more!
Take note:
-This striking of the rock was done ONLY to the elders of Israel, unlike in Numbers 20 to the whole congregation. Means that when Jesus was first struck on the cross, it was done only to the Israelites and not to the non-Israelites.
-This rod is the rod of judgment that belongs to Moses while the rod in Numbers 20 was a rod from before The Lord (Numbers 20:9) which is the rod of Aaron, the high priest(represents Jesus our high priest).
-The rock in this text is different from word 'rock'(sela-high, lofty, exalted cliff) used in Numbers 20.

Lesson: simply speak to the rock. Speak to Jesus when u are tired, feel down, or face a challenge.
Our reaction to all the issues in our lives should be to speak to Jesus:
'Jesus, you are my _______'

In order to have a happy heart, we need to remember that Jesus was a already struck on the Cross for all our sins, wrong and condemnation.

Numbers 20:11 'Moses took his own rod to strike the rock twice!'
-Moses spoilt the type of Jesus.
May we not misrepresent Jesus to others. The people probably thought God was angry because Moses, God's servant was angry. The anger was not the problem but the misrepresentation of God's holiness and associating God's holiness to be judgmental and angry.

Key lesson:
Today we make God holy when we represent Him as gracious!

What can we possibly learn from Moses hitting the rock twice?
-God doesn't want anyone of us to beat and hit the body of Christ(fellow believers, including ourselves) with thoughts and words of condemnation and criticism.

Instead of getting mad and shouting at the people, may we be like the loving Father who ran to the prodigal son and extended undeserved grace.

In closing:
Because Moses misrepresented God to the the people, he was not allowed into the promise land. Deuteronomy 3:25-27 tells us that Moses asked God to allow him to enter the land but God said no and not to speak about it.
Was there no grace for Moses in this ?
Absolutely not! In the gospels, we find Moses appearing with Jesus on Mt transfiguration, the very mountain that Moses longed to see in the promise land.
-Although God said no at first, it was because it was not time yet.

Don't get frustrated and start beating the government, your family or yourself, simply speak to the Rock, Jesus =)

-Notes from JP's message

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