Saturday, January 09, 2010

'What price happiness?' The Straits Times

an 9, 2010

What price happiness?

Are Singaporeans happier when they have lots more money? -- ST PHOTO: JOYCE FANG

ARE Singaporeans happier when they have lots more money?
A study shows that people who have a university or postgraduate qualification and earn $5,000 or more a month are the happiest.
But they are also dissatisfied with their achievements and enjoy life the least, compared with those who are less well-off.
Indeed, it is the Singaporeans earning less than $2,000 a month who enjoy life the most, concluded the three academics behind the study.
Senior lecturer Tambyah Siok Kuan, associate professor Tan Soo Jiuan and professorial fellow Kau Ah Keng - all from the National University of Singapore Business School - presented their findings in a book, The Wellbeing Of Singaporeans, which came out recently.
The survey in 2006 polled more than 1,000 people, aged 20 to 69. They were posed questions such as whether they enjoy life, how happy they are, and how much they feel they are accomplishing what they want in life.
Read the full report in The Sunday Times.

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